What Is It Unto?
February 3, 2022
As an organization, we exist to equip pastors and ministry leaders across the Himalayan region to be faithful and orthodox ministers of Christ and to plant Bible-base churches among the unreached. This is a big picture vision that every Christian can get behind. Yet, this vision of a theologically sound church-planting movement among the unreached in South Asia can be missed in the small updates about classes, trainings, and graduations. However, these small faithful steps are what lead to a movement.
Soon, we will be sending out another training center update covering two locations. In reviewing it, it was encouraging to read that the classes and trainings are not unto far away dreams, but they are unto immediate, practical applications that are transforming lives. Current pastors take what they learn in class and teach the leaders in their churches. Effective Bible study after learning proper hermeneutics leads students to be more confident and consistent in sharing the gospel. Practical lessons compel students to plan to plant a church, not in the distant future, but soon.
All of the faithful efforts of Acts Training Directors, pastors, students, Stateside leadership, and donors are unto a church-planting movement that will change the face of the Himalayan region as people come to know the One who gave Himself for them. So, continue on in your giving, your prayers, and your service. In due season, there will be a harvest to the glory of God.