Prayer Needs
For the last several years, the governments of India and Nepal have enacted laws that systemically erode the constitutional right of the freedom of religion for citizens in these two countries. Please pray that both governments will recognize this foundational right of humankind and will stop persecuting Christians in their countries.
Please pray for the opening of new Acts training centers throughout South Asia. We are currently exploring opportunities and waiting for God to provide the needed funding as we develop trusting relationships with potential Acts trainer candidates.
Please pray for Holy Spirit filled evangelism of Acts graduates among unreached people groups, and for the planting of healthy Bible-believing churches. Pray also for sufficient funding to provide for all scholarships at the existing training centers in Central Asia.
Please pray for wisdom for the leadership of Acts as we navigate through the startup of this organization, with all the excitement and expectation of what God will do through us in building His kingdom in South Asia.
Support Student Scholarships
Scholarships include all curriculum materials, lodging, and meals for five months of training. These scholarships are made possible through charitable donations to Acts; students would not be able to attend the Acts Institute without the scholarships. Your one-time donation or monthly contributions will go a long way toward helping Acts continue to provide the training necessary to equip pastors to plant churches among the unreached in South Asia.
Invite Acts to Speak at Your Church
Let us help you start a “church-to-church” partnership with one of our Acts Institutes. If your church is located near us, we would be honored to come to your church and share more about our Acts Institutes in South Asia. If you are a senior pastor, missions leader, or simply interested in learning more about how your church can get involved, let's start the conversation!
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