Christmas in Bhutan
December 29, 2021
In Bhutan, a country that is still 99.6% unreached, Christian laborers who partner with Acts had a Christmas celebration. Most people in Bhutan are Buddhists, but who doesn’t like a good party? Over 40 people came to this evening gathering and heard of a God who, in love, compassion, and humility, came to humanity. A God who took on flesh and entered the womb of a teenage girl. A God who was born in a barn and laid in a food trough. A God who was a refugee. A God who was subject to a mother and father. A God who was not believed in by His siblings. A God who was tempted in every way but was without sin. A God who hungered and thirsted. A God who was friends with fishermen, tax collectors, prostitutes, and all kinds of sinners. A God who, though was wholly righteous, did not associate with the religious elite but with the lowly and poor. A God who fulfilled all righteousness and offered Himself up to beaten and bruised. A God who died a gruesome death so that we may be reconciled to God the Father. They heard of a God who rose from the dead and ascended to sit at the right hand of God the Father.
Friends, this is the story of Christmas that we celebrate. God came to us, to be with us, and to save us. There were two people at this gathering who trusted in this God-Man, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior that night. On that Christmas evening, two people stepped into the fullness of life that Christ made provision for in Himself. They came into union with God and His Church.
I pray that you had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends celebrating God with us, Emmanuel. I pray that you rejoiced in knowing that your salvation came as a baby in relentless pursuit of you. I invite you to rejoice with me over the new siblings we have in Christ in Bhutan. He came to seek and save the lost, and by His Church, His mission continues.