New Laborers Thrust Out
April 3, 2023
Six months ago 11 new students arrived at an Acts Training Center in Eastern Nepal, representing over five districts, with one goal—to be trained and equipped for the work of ministry. Some of these students walked an entire day just to catch a bus ride lasting another day to arrive at the Training Center. Two days of travel just to learn how to preach Scripture more effectively. Two days of travel just to get a better understanding of biblical theology. Truly, only two days of travel to be poured into by teachers and, consequently, transformed by the Spirit to a greater degree of Christ-likeness. Only two days of travel to humbly be positioned before the Master as a vessel He may deem worthy of use.
Of the 11 students, only nine were able to remain in the program for individual and personal reasons. The ones who remained studied to show themselves approved as workers without a need to be ashamed because they learned to rightly divide the word of truth. Six of these remaining nine committed their lives to planting churches among the unreached. Some of the students came in as pastors; so, perhaps this accounts for the difference. Regardless, we have great reason to rejoice over six new laborers being sent out into the harvest. We have been praying to the Lord of the Harvest and He has answered by way of these brothers and sisters.
At their graduation, there were many respected pastors and former students present. These people of honor exhorted the students to continue with the habit formed in training of winning souls and making disciples. Would you pray with us that the lives of all nine graduates would bear much fruit? May it be that through them and all who come after them, that the Lamb receives the reward of His suffering in their part of Eastern Nepal.