It’s Really that Simple
October 4, 2023
Recently, one of our Acts Training Center Directors, N, shared by way of our newsletter the method he teaches students to begin church planting. They pray, make an evangelism plan, and then execute. He gave an example of this, lest we believe it is more complicated than Scripture’s model. He took the students to a hill that overlooks a village, they prayed for the village, and then the students went out and shared the gospel with the people they encountered. Over the course of a few hours, 150 people heard the gospel for the first time and 5 trusted in Christ for salvation. Those 5 people now gather as a house church, existing as the first church among their specific people group!
They identified a people group, prayed, and scattered seeds of the gospel. It really is that simple. I once heard it said that, “simplicity requires obedience; complexity buys us time.” While we all would likely prefer to nuance such a statement, the sentiment is true. When the advancement of the gospel is simple and when fulfilling the great commission is uncomplicated, it becomes a question of obedience rather than one of ability or skill.
The students who come through our Acts Training Centers come with hearts desiring to obey our Lord in seeing disciples made of every unique people group on the planet, beginning with their home villages, their nations, their region. The gift of partnering with Acts is that you, too, get to participate in the advancement of the gospel where it is presently unknown. Through prayer and giving, we get to act as the Church in Philippi to Paul—true partners to whom Paul credited the fruit of his ministry.