True Light

October 28, 2022

“The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” - John 1:5

This month has been one full of festivals for Hindus—Dashain, Diwali, and Chhat Puja are just a few. The most prominent one that has even begun to carve a space for itself in Western India is Diwali. Diwali is a holiday that generally celebrates the victory of truth over falsehood, good over evil, and light over darkness. There are many stories that accompany this holiday and the region a person is from determines which one is honored.

Since most of our Training Centers are in predominantly Hindu nations, our directors are keenly aware of the increased Hindu worship, or pooja, that occurs this time of year. However, this awareness does not lead to discouragement for them. Instead, they have taken this time to specifically pray for Hindu people to know the true Light, Jesus Christ. One Training Center Director said, “It is very sad to see how people do not know the true God. But, I believe that salvation is very close to them.”

The fruit our Training Center Directors and their alumni are seeing is a direct answer to this prayer. Continually, the Lord has been faithful to bring people to Himself who have counted the cost and have decided to follow after the true Light. As October comes to a close, please join us in praying for Hindus to see the true Light of Christ. Here are some specific points you can be praying for:

  • Praise God for the ones He has called to Himself throughout South Asia from Hindu backgrounds.

  • Pray for boldness and wisdom for believers throughout the Himalaya region to witness of Christ to people around them.

  • Pray for Jesus to reveal Himself to Hindus and that their hearts would be pierced when confronted with the truth.

  • Pray for Acts Alumni who are planting and seeking to plant churches among unreached Hindu people.


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